Clever Things to Say to an Online Dating Girl


Online dating can be a daunting experience for many people. It's hard to know what to say to someone you're interested in, especially if you're not sure how they'll respond. But fear not! With a little bit of creativity and some clever conversation starters, you can make a great impression on your potential match.

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The first step to successful online dating is creating a great dating profile. Your profile is the first thing your potential match will see, so it's important to make it stand out. Make sure your profile picture is clear and shows off your best features. Write a short bio that highlights your interests and what you're looking for in a relationship.

Once you've matched with someone, it's time to start a conversation. Avoid generic questions like "how are you?" or "what do you do for fun?" Instead, try to ask open-ended questions that will spark a conversation. For example, "What's the most interesting place you've ever traveled to?" or "What's your favorite book and why?"

If you're struggling to come up with conversation starters, take a look at your match's profile and find something you have in common. Maybe you both love hiking, or you're both fans of a particular band. Use that as a starting point for your conversation.

It's also important to be yourself when you're chatting with someone online. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things just to impress your match. Be honest and genuine, and let your personality shine through.

Finally, when it comes to setting up a first date, be confident and assertive. Suggest a specific date and time, and have a plan for what you'll do together. If your match is interested, they'll say yes. If not, don't take it personally and move on to the next potential match.


Online dating can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people. With a little bit of creativity and some clever conversation starters, you can make a great impression on your potential match. Remember to be yourself, ask open-ended questions, and suggest specific plans for a first date. Good luck!
